Our teacher published monographs in English in the internationally renowned Springer press
Author: Date:2019-12-20 Hits:

Recently, the research team led by professor Zhang Ju from the School of Information Engineering of our college published a book Despeckling methods for Medical Ultrasonic Images in English at the international famous Springer press。

This book is a systematic summary of the research achievements made in the field of medical image signal processing and control by professor Zhang Ju, graduate students, relevant enterprises and medical researchers after nearly 10 years of cooperation. This paper systematically expounds and summarizes the new international research progress in related fields, and puts forward the new theory, new method and application of ultrasonic medical image denoising. The work was evaluated by Springer press and international peers as the first international monograph in the field.

In recent years, professor Zhang Ju's team has published a series of research results in Ultrasonics, International Journal of Control, Biomedical signal and Control, Journal of Franklin institute, Circuit, System and signal Process, Chinese Journal of image graphics and other relevant well-known journals at home and abroad. The publication of this monograph indicates that the research of medical image signal processing and control in our hospital has stepped up to a new level.

Springer press is a world famous technology periodical and book publishing company. Springer was founded in 1842 in Berlin, Germany. At present, Springer is the world's largest science and technology book publishing company and the second largest science and technology periodical publishing company, publishing more than 6500 kinds of science and technology books and about 2000 kinds of science and technology periodicals every year.